Halal Bihalal and Temu Kangen with Sahabat Vandeventer RR East Java – Bali

Reported by Mirna Fauziah Lailly, VDMS grantee from Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University (UWKS)

Alumni and new members of Regional Representative Surabaya held on activity on Sunday, August 28th 2016 in Jln. Keputih Tegal Gang. 6 No. 4 at 15.30 pm with theme “Halal Bihalal & Temu Kangen with Sahabat Vandeventeer Regional Surabaya”. This activity was conducted in order to strengthen the relationship among alumni and grantees, introducing new members who just joined the scholarship program and alumni, and to discuss about new program for the next in a year. This activity was attended by representation of alumni and new member from UWK, UHT and ITS.

The Result of the meeting

  1. Coordinator for each campus:
    1. Mirna Fauziah Lailly UWKS
    2. Lailatus Sakinah UNAIR
    3. I Gde Manik Sukanegara Adhita ITS
    4. Muhamad Yusuf UHT

*All of the information, news, meeting result, and grantee monthly fee will be delivered by each coordinator for each campus

  1. Funding

The fund for each activity comes from grantee monthly fee of Rp.5.000,00/ person and alumni monthly fee Rp.10.000,00/person. This money is used to fund the RR program

  1. Documentation

Each activity required to be documented properly including the activities reported to VDMS Office

  1. Follow-up plan for the next year:
    1. Prepare a representative speaker for “Community of Scholarship Seeker” on Sunday, 4 September 2016 in Babe Street (PIC Mirna UWKS)
    2. VDMS teaching program with Sahabat Vandeventer start from middle of September (PIC Cakra and Bayu ITS )
    3. Conducting an activity to socialize VDMS East Java to new grantees, before receiving the premiere scholarship funds in September at UWKS, UNAIR, ITS, and UHT.
    4. Conducting a skills training to 20 SMK in Surabaya, which in cooperation with Plato Foundation and EQ WipHubs  (an international organization based in Canada) start from September
    5. Conducting a counseling for drugs and juvenile delinquency as a program of the  CSR of Dinas Sosial Surabaya
    6. Conducting socialization on health, “All About Cancer“ with dr. Aryo from Rumah Sakit Oncologi untuk Ibu-ibu Pesisir (PIC Mirna UWKS and Talitha)
    7. Conducting a charity event for Orphans and Elderly Care (PIC Joseph UHT) on the Children National Day (PIC Yanuar UHT)
    8. Conducting an activity on Environment Day (PIC Gusti Alumni)
    9. Establishing a cooperation with Jazz Music lovers Surabaya
    10. Making donation to Orphanage in collaboration with other RRs
    11. Conducting an activity on World Aids Day (HAS) with VEDHA community from East Java in December

Last year activities that could be done again this year:

  1. Gathering for Ramadan Dinner/Iftar/Berbuka Puasa during the Ramadan
  2. Improved Nutrition
  3. Disaster Response Team Indonesia



 “Let’s Meet Up and Sharing”

Reported by Liza Handoko, VDMS Alumna from Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT), Manado

RR Manado has held Halal Bihalal on Sunday, 17th September 2016 in Wendy’s Mega Mall. Attended by 3 alumni and 8 grantees.

The results of meeting are:

  1. Continue the contribution of alumni and grantees.
  2. For next activities, RR Manado prepare for “SENTUHAN SEKOLAH” activity.

The propose : Paint the fence or wall rundown schools


  1. 20th – 30th September 2016 : Look  for school target
  2. 1st October 2016 : Setting the school target
  3. 2nd – 22nd October 2016 : Period of donation
  4. 29th October 2016 : implementation

Learn, share and encourage.



Reported by Viny Elvia, VDMS Alumna from State University of Padang (UNP)

On 4th of September 2016 at H.Agus Salim Sport Hall, VDMS RR West Sumatra held “Halal bi halal. The event attended by alumni and grantee (viny, dios, riri, risky, alfi, yulia). We discussed about the items to be donated on event, which will be held by RR Medan. We agreed to donate stationery. RR Padang is still looking for ways and tricks to encourage grantees and alumni to participate actively in every event to be held.

A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 55 | IX| 2016

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