Reported by Annisa Taqwa Zazi Muslim, VDMS Alumna from Hang Tuah University (UHT), Surabaya
This activity was held on Friday, 7 October 2016 at 18.00-20.00 p.m, in Keputih Tegal Street No. 4 Surabaya. There were 12 participants (Sahabat vanDeventer) who attended this activity. First, “Sahabat vanDeventer” had an ice breaking with the theme “recognize and protect parts of our body”, they looked so happy and were excited with this activity. Then, we asked them to make two groups. Each group discussed the topics on reproduction organs and puberty. They wrote all problems of discussion on the Flipchart paper which has been provided. After that, they presented and shared information from the results of the discussion. Furthermore, “Sahabat vanDeventer” were asked to complete a pretest to measure their knowledge about HIV/ AIDS.
When they finished filling the pretest, they got an explanation about HIV/ AIDS from us through the power point presentation and short video. At the end, they were asked to complete a post-test to measure how good their understanding was about HIV/ AIDS after sharing, discussion, watching short video and the obtained explanation. The result of pre and posttest showed that this activity increased their knowledge about HIV/ AIDS.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 56| X| 2016