Reported by Serlinia Rambu Anawoli, VDMS alumna from Artha Wacana University (UKAW) Kupang

“Being a meaningful person while you are young is very important for your future”

Sunday, November 6th 2016 we celebrated a meeting again and discussed about the VDMS SMART program. There were 21 participants (1 alumna, 20 grantees) who came on this meeting in UNIKA Kupang. In this meeting, we agreed that there are four basic skills or knowledge namely English for fun coordinated by Riestin and Dino, Science coordinated by Feby, Computer coordinated by Erens and Music coordinated by Evas and Andho.  And then, we discussed about the activity that will be shared through this program.  The aims of this program are how we are as VDMS Family blessed with getting VDMS scholarship contribute our spirit, skills and creativity to our brothers and sisters in orphanage. We also recycle because things we need for this program are plastics, bottles and other rubbish that we need and use. The results of this meeting are as follows:

  1. This program will be implemented for the first time in Christian Oeba Orphanage during 3 months (November, March and April) every Saturday week 3 and 4 on 3 pm up to 4.30 pm.
  2. Group science will do science demo, senyum perkalian, respiration and photosynthesis demo.
  3. Group English will learn English song, play games, and describe things.
  4. Group computer will study Ms word, Ms Excel, Ms Power point and also how to design a blog.
  5. Group music will learn how to play guitar and be song leader.
Language Group

Language Group

We will have the last meeting for fixing all the materials and making the tools and media we use for teaching and learning at Sunday 14 November 2016 in UKAW campus at 2 pm.

Science Group

Science Group

A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 57| XI| 2016

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