The overview of VDMS Regional Representative Activities in 2016
RR Ambon
1. Halal Bihalal and Preparation for Next Activities (6th August 2016)
RR Banjarmasin
1. “VDMS Peduli Pendidikan”, Visiting Orphanage and teaching English, and mathematic (24th and 31st January 2016)
2. “VDMS Peduli Pendidikan”, Visiting Orphanage and teaching English (21st February 2016)
3. “VDMS Peduli Pendidikan”, Visiting Orphanage and teaching English (12nd March 2016)
4. Online Sharing, How to get Master Degree Scholarship Abroad – Chatting in group Whatsapp (21st April 2016)
5. Online Sharing part 2,How to get Master Degree Scholarship Abroad “Study in Indonesia, Why Not? – Chatting in group WhatsApp (29st May 2016)
6. RR Banjarmasin, Halal Bihalal (21st August 2016)
7. Environmental care action by joining I-radio Sapu Bersih event at Siring Pierre Tendean Banjarmasin on Sunday, 28th August 2016.
8. VDMS Alumni and Grantees gathering and fun walk by joining Ulang Tahun TNI on 5th October 2016.
9. TOEFL Training and Sharing once a month (starting from November 2016). (27th November 2016 and 4th December 2016.
RR East Java
1. RR Mini Gathering alumni and office manager (13th February 2016)
2. “Sahabat Vandeventer”. It is a teaching program with sharing session and games with different theme on each activity. It aims to get closer and to facilitate their expression through positive influence for some derelict youths in SD and SMP, that Some of them fall into pornography and drug consumption. Held on 1, 8, 14, 17 April and 8, 31 May 2016.
3. VDMS Grantees and Alumni Sharing with Tukang Becak (28th June 2016)
4. RR East Java – Bali, Freedom of the Misuse of Drugs together with Friends of Recovery Plato’s Foundation (17th August 2016)
5. RR East Java – Bali, Halal Bihalal and Temu Kangen with Sahabat Vandeventer (28th August 2016)
6. RR East Java – Bali, VDMS Scholarship sharing sectionwith‘Pemburu Beasiswa’ chapter Surabaya (4th September 2016)
7. All about HIV/AIDS with Sahabat Vandeventer (7th October 2016)
Jabodetabek – West Java
1. Halal Bihalal (13th August 2016)
RR Kupang
1. Mangrove Care and VDMS Families Gathering (30th October 2016)
2. VDMS SMART Program Meeting (6th November 2016)
3. VDMS SMART Program Part 2 (19th November 2016)
RR Makasar
No activity
RR Manado
1. RR Manado, Halal Bihalal – “Let’s Meet Up and Sharing” (17th September 2016)
RR Medan
1. Sharing and Learning (January 2016)
2. Alumni and Grantees Visiting UK Exhibition (17th March 2016)
3. 3rd English Club Alumni and Grantees VDMS (14th May 2016)
4. Halal BiHalal and Preparation for RM Medan (13th August 2016)
5. Alumni Meeting and Visit Panti Asuhan Mamiyai (6th November 2016)
6. 1st meeting of writing project RR Medan (19th November 2016)
RR Padang
1. Learn, Share and Encourage, sharing and discuss about culture between Indonesia-Japan (15th March 2016)
2. RR Padang : Learn, Share and Encourage, sharing and Discuss about how to get information about scholarship, student exchange, we encourage each other to join (22nd March 2016)
3. My Teeth shine Brighter, Dental Hygiene Socialization (30th April 2016)
4. Buka Bersama and Regeneration structure organization in Padang on 26th June 2016
5. RR Padang, Halal Bihalal (4th September 2016)
6. Discussion of VDMS RR Padang Social Action and outbound (9th October 2016)
RR Palembang
No activity
RR Salatiga
No activity
RR Central Java (Semarang)
1. “Berbagi Semangat Baru part 1” Visiting Orphanage in Komunitas Satoe Atap and share happiness with all of them (10th January 2016)
2. “Berbagi Semangat Baru part 2” Visiting Orphanage in Komunitas Satoe Atap and share happiness with all of them. (10th April 2016)
3. Buka Bersama and Membagi Baju Alumni (21th June 2016)
4. Halal Bihalal and Preparation for Next Activities (12th August 2016)
RR Yogyakarta
1. Meeting Alumni and Grantees – Talk about Next Activities (14th and 21st May 2016)
English Tourism Education – Gua Cemara on May and June 2016
Program Mengajar in Pondok Asih Harapan on , May, June, July and August 2016
2. Evaluation, Halal Bihalal and New Structure Organization on 13th August 2016
3. The Progress of Program Mengajar at the Pondok Asih Harapan on September, October, November 2016
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 58| XII| 2016