Reported by Nopri Sinaga (alumna Medan State University)


Saturday, November 6 2021, 9 members of VDMI RR Medan visited Sahabat Keluarga Indonesia orphanage from 14.00 to 16.00 WIB. As usual, the residents were divided into groups based on their school levels. The elementary school group were guided by Chintia and Ririn in finishing their school assignment. Also, they learned to read with Stefani. Matta and Nando guided the junior high school group along with Keren who taught physic to the group. The vocational school group learned English with Jelita dan Danang.

Matta Simamora (Alumnus USU) suggested maintain the cleanliness of environment

The classes were started with ice breaking for energizing. The residents seemed happy during the class. After the end of the class, Matta Simamora suggested the residents maintain the cleanliness of the orphanage environment, especially the rooms, be able to take care of their belongings, appreciate gifts, and respect older people. Jona, one of the residents, claimed that the activities with RR Medan are so fun. They learn many things and thank RR Medan members who allocate their time to teach them.

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