Reported by Febriani Putri Keren Goni, grantee Medan State University
Saturday, 11 February 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held the Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia Scholarship Socialization with the theme “Are You the Next VDMI Family 2023?”. The socialization was held for three hours and was open to the public so as to provide an opportunity for students to obtain VDMI scholarship registration information. 360 participants took part in this activity from various universities in Indonesia. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high, as seen from the consistency of the number of participants until the end and the exciting question and answer session.
Attended by Imbung Nurwanti (Finance, Taxation and Compliances), Angger Panji Pradipta Budi (Scholarship Administration Officer) and Rizka Amelia, S.Hut (alumna of VDMI University of North Sumatra). Guided by Bobby Setiawan (alumnus of the University of North Sumatra). It was opened with remarks from Pariasih Manoto (Head of VDMI Office), Sara Hikmayanti (PIC UNIMED) and Nopri Sinaga (Chairperson RR Medan). During the session, information media “Anak USU” and Pers Mahasiswa Kreatif (Presma Kreatif) UNIMED were also join as media partners.
As an annual RR Medan program, it is hoped that this socialization can provide information in the preparation and registration process for the VDMI scholarship. The information provided by VDMI was very helpful and provided answers to questions asked by VDMI grantees candidates. Registrants are always reminded to be careful when filling out the Online Registration System. Participants were also invited to play “Tebak Gambar” guided by Nelson Haria (grantee University of North Sumatra). There are prizes for the two best questioners and three game winners. Positive feedback was given by the participants and hoped that the socialization would be held every year.