Reported by Awan Hermawan, grantee Airlangga University (Surabaya)
April 12, 2023, VDMI Family of Airlangga University held a sharing and learning event together at Kampoeng Dolanan, Surabaya. This activity was initiated by opening a donation. The activity was attended by PIC of Airlangga University, VDMI grantees and alumni and 45 children from Kampoeng Dolanan. High enthusiasm can be seen from every session. It started with an introduction and continued with a coloring competition, an introduction to the types of waste and distribution of food and stationery (books and pencils).
Obstacles in the form of heavy rains had caused activities to stop for a while but this could be overcome by moving the location to a more proper room. The excitement of the event was evident from the enthusiasm of the Kampoeng Dolanan children to color the pictures.
“Seruu banget tapi sayangnya hujan yang menghambat keluasan anak-anak untuk mewarnai, untungnya lanjut materi dan tanya jawab,” – Salva (representative of the Kampoeng Dolanan youth group)
Lulu (representative of the Kampoeng Dolanan youth group) hopes that there will be other collaborative activities between VDMI Family UNAIR and Kampoeng Dolanan. Hopefully it will be more compact and return to holding fun and useful events with children.
Kampoeng Dolanan is a settlement located in the Simokerto area, Surabaya, East Java. At first it was called Kampoeng Dolanan because it inherited the cultural tradition of playing dolanan from generation to generation. The location of the settlement is very dense because it is next to the railroad track, which illustrates the condition of Kampoeng Dolanan.