Reported by Yonathan Talundima, S.E (PIC Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana)


Monday, 19 February 2024, PIC Wira Wacana Christian University (UNWINA) together with VDMI grantees and alumni opened a “Posko Pendaftaran” for UNWINA students who wanted to apply for a VDMI scholarship. This activity aims to ensure that students who experience problems in registering can be helped. Every day alumni and grantees take turns helping with the registration process during the period until March 10 2024.

Yonathan Talundima (PIC UNWINA) explained how to apply for VDMI scholarship to students.

PIC UNWINA (Yonathan Talundima, S.E) also explained to students how to write a good essay so that information can be conveyed well to VDMI. He hopes that during the registration process, registrants can prepare files and be thorough in each document. Posko also provides equipment such as laptops for registration so that everyone has access.

Alumni and Grantees of Wira Wacana Christian University help students who experience problems
in registering for VDMI scholarships.

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