Regional Reprensentative Medan gave “c’est possible det’ra post” as the theme of this event. It means all the alumni will be more intimate after this.
Sunday, 26 May 2013, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held an Alumni Gathering which was expected to gather the alumni of VDMS coming from Medan or those who are living in Medan. After conducting this event, there were two objectives achieved, which are: knowing the Alumni in Medan and knowing the Alumni Association.
In conducting this meeting, RR Medan found problems which are Knowing the Alumni, Getting response, and Finding Place. To solve those problems, the committee did the following:
1) Ask help from the VDMS staff to find alumni
2) Ask the PIC for information about Alumni
3) Text and ask Alumni presence for the due day
4) Divide the job of finding a possible place (to hold the meeting?)
Twenty alumni were invited. However, only eleven alumni were able to attend the meeting.. The Regional Representative Medan also asked the alumni what kind of skills they have. Indera Lesmana is an alumnus from the Agricultural Institute in Bandung. He shared his personal background and told when he received his scholarship from VDMS. Furthermore, he gave information about “how to be a lecturer, gave some tips to people who want to continue their magister career, and some links that provide scholarships for postgraduate study. Now, He is working as a lecturer in North Sumatera University.
Before the sharing session, to build a relaxed atmosphere for each alumnus, two games were played. One was the “who am I” game. All the participants had to guess the name of a person who was described by the Master of ceremony. In the other game the participants had to remember what other participants had said in the Welcoming The Alumni Session. Itwas an interesting game since they didn’t know each other yet.
By holding this event through games, sharing, and discussion, RR Medan, all the alumni are more intimate than before.
Olanda Theresia Sianturi