1. Action for Haze Hazard Awareness
Reported by DINA KISMA SARI, Grantee of State University of Padang
The big family of VDMS Padang (alumni and grantees) held a event that
Giving Out Face Masks For School Children
They go to school to give out free masks to Elementary School students at Tuesday, 13 October 2015. Started from SD Pembangunan at State University of Padang nearly at 09.00 am. VDMS gave out 150 masks for students and 20 for teachers and academic staffs at SD Pembangunan. The action then continued at SD 55 Askes Ayia Pacah. 245 students and 25 teachers and staff were given the masks. This activities attended by Afdal, dios, Viny and 5 grantees.
2. “Dekiru To Shinjiteimasu” Saya Percaya, Saya Bisa”
Kenali Potensimu dan Raih Masa Depan
Report by Rianda Saputra, grantees from University State of Padang (UNP)
This activity held at Suturday, 26 September 2015 in SMAN 3 Lubuk Basung and attended by 135 student from XII IPA dan IPS.
This activity is an effort to assist students in determining the choice that suits their passion. Some of the things presented at this event are:
- Scholarship Socialization S1 and Tips and Tricks to Get Scholar ships.
- The choice determines By Personality.
- Socialization Programs And Prospects for the future.
Kenali Potensimu dan Raih Masa Depan