Written by Rizky Amelia – Alumna from Lambung Mangkurat University (UNLAM), Banjarmasin
The meet-up was held on Saturday, 8th August 2015. It began from introduction of alumni and grantees of VDMS. There were 13 people who could come in which those were M. Rijali Riyadi, Adhi Surya, Helmi Akmal, Abdul Wahid, Rahil Ramdaniati, Rizky Amelia, Istiqomah, Kesuma Anugerah Yanti, Maya Septia, Maria Gaudensia, Dwi Handika, Noor Aisyah, and Annis Luthfia Setiarini. The PIC of Lambung Mangkurat University, Bapak Basirum, was also there. There were some points discussed at the meet-up, from what Alumni Association is to reflection of what has been done.
All the alumni and grantees have known that the van Deventer-Maas Stichting is a non-profit private foundation established in 1947 with the mission to support the education of Indonesian people. What some of them (especially grantees) have not known is about AA and RR. They were told about AA and RR then along with website (http://alumnivandeventer.org/), facebook (alumni Association of VDMS), and e-mail (deventer6@cbn.net.id). Moreover, they were told about the VDMS Regional Representative (RR) for instance Medan, Padang, Palembang, Bandung-Jabodetabek, Jogja-Jawa Tengah, Jatim-Bali, Manado, Makassar, Kupang, Banjarmasin, and Ambon with the overview of VDMS Regional Activities 2014. Then, the point of why we need AA & RR (extend the bond of the alumni and each other to improve professional skills and knowledge through AA programs and give benefits to society).
Then, the most important point that next be discussed was about our RR Banjarmasin. We had a reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of RR Banjarmasin Activities.
Based on the discussion, we found first weakness that we need a committee structure. The alumni and grantees then agreed that the committee structure of 2015-2016 periods.
Secondly, we need a more organized plan. Due to some problems for example different schedule of alumni and grantees that it is hard to hold an event, RR Banjarmasin needs to have a strategy, which is called “group project”. The alumni and grantees are grouped. It consists of at least four members and the group has a responsibility to think about one event to which they are as the core committees.
Thirdly, in terms of funding, the alumni and grantees agreed to the decision of collecting some amount of money as much Rp 20.000/ month to the treasurer (Maya Septia).
It was a nice meet-up with more alumni and grantees coming. We remembered that our first meet-up on 2013 were only with a few alumni and grantees. There is a big hope that RR Banjarmasin alumni and grantees can be more active, solid, and are able to hold more activities for the sake of helping others. Best regards from all of us for all alumni and grantees in Indonesia. Thank you VDMS.