RR East Java – Bali

Reported by Rizky Amelia, VDMS Alumna from  Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin

The activity of “Berbagi Donasi dengan Anak Gizi Buruk dan anak HIV/ AIDS” was held in two different times.

The first activity has been done on 22nd November 2015. Taken place at Taman Bungkul, Surabaya.

In this place, alumni and grantees distributed the brochures as well as explained about bad nutrient and HIV/Aids.

They then found a place for the stand. Soon, some of them went to different spots and distributed the brochures as well as explained about bad nutrient and HIV/Aids. The people whom they met were asked to donate for these children. At first, the alumni and grantees planned to cook the porridge and share healthy cereal there, however there was a problem in the preparation. As a result, the live cooking will be done on the next event that.

In relation to the funding, it was collected from the charity from VDMS alumni, grantees, and other people who transferred via bank, and people who donated at Taman Bungkul. If you would like to donate, you can contact Talita Qumi P. 0838 3157 7051, BCA account 46 800 889 64.

We do hope that through this event we can share a little of what we have to others who really need it.

RR Surabaya9

The second event was held at Ibnu Sina Hospital, Gresik on 12th December 2015. At this occasion, the alumni and grantees distributed the donation. It was in the form of giving fifteen packs of Vitameal (Rice and Lentil Meal). This food is given to fifteen children who suffer from Gizi Buruk and HIV/ AIDS. This Vitameal provides them with many vitamins and it is expected that it can help them for their health.

Dr. Devi (the alumni of VDMS) opened this event, deliver complete explanation on who we are, what we intend to, and more importantly the explanation of the Vitameal. The given Vitameal is for 30 days (one month). The parents were told how to serve it that the alumni and grantee showed how to cook it. As the alumni and grantee finished cooking the Vitameal, it was given to them all and they said that the taste was quite nice. They can add it with other food so that their children like it. The effect of this Vitameal will be seen in a month, if it is possible they will get another pack of Vitameal (more or less 2 kg) for next month. Hopefully, this donation is beneficial for the children.


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