RR Padang

RR Padang held “Big Bang” Alumni Meeting on Sunday, 30th August 2015 at Ruang Sidang Senat, Gedung Rektorat Lantai 3, State University of Padang (UNP). Attendees by 8 alumni UNP, 3 alumni UBH, 2 alumni UNAND, 44 grantees from 4 universities, 2 PICs, 3 staff office VDMS and office manager.

Alumni Meeting with the theme “BIG BANG” in the hope there will be a “big explosion” in Regional Padang after the event is finished. We start at 09.30 am with introduce alumni to grantees and sharing about they participation in Alumni Association. Refer to some sharing from alumni said that existence of RR Padang give good impact for them and other grantees because the activities can learn them to be human who fast to give respond for every issue in around of them, increase soft skill, and can build network.

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In this meeting, we introduce about Alumni Association, all regional representative and all activities done during 2010 until now. Hope, it is can give spirit for all grantees to join with alumni.

We also introduce Big Bang idea from Pak Onno that to invite grantees with motto “Team work on time” with the goal of the AA is to establish a nationwide support network to enhance their chances in the job market. And share about kind of event that can improve capability. It is about education and environmental. We tell to them that we will be provided certificate for activity in regional representative.

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RR Padang makes plan for next activities, they have 10 ideas to do in 10 months. The ideas coordinate by alumni and grantees. Before close the meeting, we choose ambassador from grantees:

State University of Padang (UNP)                           : Rianda Saputra

Andalas University, Padang (UNAND)                 : Filka Khairu Pratama

Bung Hatta University, Padang (UBH)                  : Syera Steva Harni

STT Musi Palembang                                                     : Ferani

Hope, Big Bang Alumni Meeting Padang can be the first step for other Regional for coordinate alumni and grantees to active in alumni activities. We can learn anything in Alumni Association of VDMS.

Learn, share and encourage.

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