Alumni and Grantee Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia held a fundraising event for Ramadan Berbagi on April 12 – April 19, 2022. This activity aims to share with the surrounding community. The collected funds of Rp 9,812,000 were managed by Nunung Cahyaningsih…
Antusiasme Mahasiswa UNAIR Menyambut Sosialisasi Beasiswa VDMI 2023
Reported by Awan Hermawan, grantee Airlangga University (Surabaya) Airlangga University held an online socialization of the VDMI 2023 scholarship on January 21, 2023 (zoom meeting). Speakers from Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia successfully provided information on the flow and mechanism for applying…
RR Medan: Sosialisasi Beasiswa Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia 2023
Reported by Febriani Putri Keren Goni, grantee Medan State University Saturday, 11 February 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held the Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia Scholarship Socialization with the theme “Are You the Next VDMI Family 2023?”. The socialization was held for…