Reported by Risky Jumatul Ikhsan, alumnus Padang State University Sunday, December 17 2023, VDMI Regional Representative Padang held another activity at the ‘Aisyiyah Orphanage located in Lubuk Minturun, Padang. This activity was attended by Unand and UNP grantees and…
VDMI SUMBA: Sharing Love with Cleaning Service and Security of UNKRISWINA
Reported by Stefanus Aldino Nggala Djilik, grantee Wira Wacana Christian University Monday, December 4 2023, Celebrating Christmas this year, PIC Wira Wacana Christian University (UNKRISWINA) Sumba together with alumni and grantees shared gift parcels with five cleaning service officers…
RR Jatim: Bakti Sosial di Graha Yatim Dhuafa Ketintang Selatan
Reported by Awwaliyah Nur Fadhilah, grantee Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (Surabaya) Sunday, June 11 2023, the East Java Regional Representative (RR) held a social service at Graha Yatim Dhuafa Ketintang Selatan, Surabaya. This social service is a collaboration…