RR Semarang Reported by Naili Rohmah – VDMS Alumna from State University of Semarang (UNNES) RR Central Java held Fun Meeting Alumni and Grantees activity on Sunday, 30th 2015 at Taman KB Semarang. The meeting starts at 09.00 WIB who…
Mini Gathering and Environmental Care Campaign: “Peduli Lingkungan for a Better World”
RR Medan Regional Representative Medan made a mini gathering after Eid holiday on 22nd july 2015 at Biro Rektor USU Park. The participants of this meeting were 4 alumni and 3 grantees from USU and Unimed. The results of the…
Regional Representative Kupang
16 December 2012 Leisurely Stroll and Alumni Trees Planting, an event from RR Kupang[BMo_scrollGallery id=6 sG_thumbPosition=top sG_images=1 duration=slow gallery_width=600 gallery_height=400 thumbs_width=100 thumbs_height=100 sG_caption=1 sG_start=1 sG_loop=1 sG_loopThumbs=1 sG_clickable=1 sG_opacity=40 sG_area=200 sG_scrollSpeed=2 sG_autoScroll=0 sG_aS_stopOnOver=1 sG_diashowDelay=0 sG_followImages=1 sG_responsive=1 ]