Belajar Membangun Merek untuk Bisnis Pada dasarnya merek sangat penting untuk usaha apa pun dan untuk skala bisnis berapa pun, kecil maupun besar. Merek sangat penting karena logo yang ditampilkan akan mewakili karakter serta citra sebuah usaha atau company. Merek…
Plan Your Bright Future
Financial planning helps us a lot to decide how much money we should save, invest, and use in our daily life. Most people do it well and the rest still don’t know how to manage. They also don’t know how…
Open Your Mind, Build Network
”Building relationship is the thrilling, if delicate, quest to at once understand another person and allow that person to understand you” –Reif Hoffman, co -funder and executive chairman of LinkedIn Networking WHOs Executives, thought leaders, hiring managers, professional Org Board…