Citizenship Workshop is a part of VDMS Capacity Building program, mainly to build the character, competency, and network for VDMS grantees.
The purpose of this programme, is to build a strong desire to contribute, to share and to transfer knowledge to the community, and in other side the participants will learn how to face and to influence people in a real world.
It was an exiting workshop especially during the “local community” and “local Exposure” session. Attended by 20 participants.
Some practitioners were invited as a facilitator, started with the “Profile and Characteristic of Active Citizen” in the 1st session, continued with the material of Communication Skill. How to communicate is one of the most important subject that we should learn. With communication both verbally, and in written we can express our ideas, influence people, and to educate people. Role-play also provided in this session such as discussion session within a group (participants divided into 4 groups), Topic of discussions:
- What is the urgent problem in the society, and what the solution for the problem
The 2nd session was about “how to write”. As mentioned above, writing is one of the important thing for expreesing our ideas and thoughts, vision and mission. By writing we can learn how we make it to be our good habit. It is not easy to start writing. So, how to start? First of all we must have a strong willing, have knowledge, have skill and have a lot of vocabulary. To have a lot of vocabulary we need to read and then do some exercises. Start with the closest things around you, and the easiest things. The example of this, the facilitator showed some articles in the newspaper. It’s a very useful session to learn about writing and how we can start writing. Remember: “more reading more vocabulary – more easy to start writing”!
The 3rd session was about the understanding of being: [1] The function of “Mahasiswa” as an Indonesian citizens, who has a responsibility to build its nation now and in the future [2] The Indonesian Resources such as “nature”, culture and human [3] The top 10 of characteristic crisis. Can we solve our nation problem?
The good thing in this session was also a “local community” – participants (divided into 6 groups) went to the community in the nearby the venue. A good assignment which had a following meanings: [1] Love and Percistence to the Nation [2] Community empowerment [3] Lack of interest to local product [4] The people opinion about corruption [5] Say no to “Bencana Longsor” [6] Stop bullying. The above topics happen in this country.
The most interesting in this 5 days workshop was “Local Exposure” session. Participants divided into 4 groups to do the assignments about:
1. Animal Husbandry
2. Agriculture Product
3. Gabungan Kelompok Tani (GAPOKTAN)
4. Sanitation
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 69| XI | 2017