RR Padang

Reported by Irene Ulfa Andisya – VDMS Grantee from State University of Padang (UNP)

Beach Clean Up held by the big family of VDMS Padang on 23rd of August 2015. There are 7 alumni and 30 granttes were joined. We started at 7 o’clock and met up at State University of Padang. We walked to the beach together. Before cleaning up the beach, we did warm up exercise, small movement that burn calories while inhaling freshwater beach. Nearly 8 oclock, we begun cleaning up along the beach by picking up trash, plastic and weeding the grass then putting them into the sack. There are a lot of plastic, tin can, rubber, sandal, stalk, etc. Getting sad by seeing this situation.

At the end of this activity, we learn many things. Such as have a compost bin and put your organic waste in it, separate your garbage and recycle, buy products with less wrapping and packaging, use reusable bags and boxes instead of plastic bags, do not print things you do not have to, use recycled paperr, and recycle the clothes. Donate them or use their fabric to make something else. The more you use, the less everyone needs to produce.

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RR Padang Clean 3

It can be claimed that nobody cares about the condition of the beach although they live around.  Taking care of the environment is our responsibility. In sum, all people have to do something for taking care the cleanliness of the beach, because it has a potential to be awesome destination at West Sumatra, especially Padang.

After cleaning up the beach, we burned spirit by doing games. Every game has a great meaning to make us in togetherness and teamwork ability. To work together successfully in the games, group members must demonstrate a sense of cohesion. Cohesion emerges as group members exhibit the skills such as openness, trust and self-disclosure, support and respect.  


RR Padang Clean 4

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