Written by Uswatunisa, VDMS Grantee from RvG (IAIN “Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin”, Banten)

Development in various aspects is currently promoting on a massive scale. These noble intentions aimed to form and create an advanced human civilization. However, many cases showing how the missions are being carried out do not consider the continuous effect or only temporary.

In the late 90s, there was a trend among the initiators of development, even society the term sustainable development. This term was born and used to reject all profit-oriented development and economic growth and promoting a sense of humanity to save people and nature in its process. This model prioritizes the development over the long-term effects. We know, the earth and human are a unity which is not inseparable. Earth needs humans and humans also need the earth. That is to say, in the planning of developing human civilization, the better we consider all aspects of its supporters, including the preservation of the natural surroundings first.

Talking about development, it is not always about natural factors. In this global era, we also need to establish healthy human subjects in order to become a professional in the development process itself. This was the background for the importance of the sustainable development movement that does not ignore the social life with all its problems. How we are required to move together in order to create a healthy community in thinking and acting with the principle of sustainable social development.

Sustainable Social Development

This term addressed the process for achieving human development goals while maintaining the ability of natural systems to continue providing the natural resources and ecosystem services where our economy and our society depend on.


Society development of Culture

Society development of Culture


The different approach applied in the concept of sustainable social development because human nature is highly dynamic and heterogeneous. Here the following approaches should be applied.

  1. Diversity

Aware of the diversity, the development concept of socially sustainable should prioritize the principle of tolerance. It aims to bring a high sense of belonging and togetherness.

  1. Equity

This concept actually is not only applied to social development, but also for the same range of motion. This concept addressed equitable opportunities and outcomes for all its members, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable members of the community. In addition, to creating a sense of justice, this approach is also expected as a way out of economic equality society.


Literary, there is no ultimate solution to all great social problems. There is only the way how we as humans should be careful and wise as social human beings. Clearly, it is for sustainability social and cultural expressed in diversity, social justice and improving the quality of life for all humans. Sustainable social development has social goals: professional societies, civilized, basic human needs and maintaining cultural diversity and public participation in decision-making. Therefore, the success of a sustainable social development will be interpreted as the creation of life harmonious, balanced and humane.

A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 58| XII| 2016

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