Padang, Sunday, October 9th 2016 – Held at GOR Agus Salim. VDMS RR Padang had the first discussion of social action in 2016. This meeting was attended by four alumni and 35 grantees from UBH, UNP, and UNAND. The discussion, which started at 4 PM, was begun by the self-introductory of each participant of the discussion in order to know more about each other. Then, it is continued by discussing the options of social action which have been planned in the previous meeting. The first is social action with outbound activity and the second is cultivation activity.
The discussion of the planning of social action was started by alumnus Viny, Dios, Riri dan Rezky who have prepared the information about options which were offered previously. After presenting the information, the agreement was reached, though we often move to other location while discussion (#BelumAdaSekreNih) :D. The discussion finally reached its conclusion that social action and outbound activity are going to be held. The committee of this activity were chosen from the grantees. Fitri Yanti is as a chairman, Sesa Marini is as a secretary, Reta Desvia is as a treasurer, Vina Pelita is as consumption coordinator, Wiria Zona is as documentation coordinator, Ineng Safitrias is as an event coordinator, and Benny Hamdani is as a public relations coordinator.
The social action which will be held on Sunday, October 23 2016, will concern on education and sharing activity with the children in Pantai Muaro Lasak, Padang in which some of them do not go to school. This social action’s theme is “Surat dari Laut”, collaborates with a social community in Padang, Rumah 1000 Mimpi which has held the similar actions in Pantai Muaro Lasak. This Social action will be held from 8 a.m. and there are some agendas in this activity. The agenda is: letter writing, education competition, and games. With this activity, it is hoped that we can give motivation to learn to the children in Pantai Muaro Lasak and also to give them the motivation to share to each other.
After this activity with the children in Pantai Muaro Lasak accomplishes, VDMS RR Padang will also schedule an outbound activity for the grantees with the purpose to gain an intimacy among the grantees and the alumni. May this activity can be held well as it is expected.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 56| X| 2016