Happy Family

Happy Family

Cancer is a major public health challenge in the world which is increasing every year. In Indonesia, cancer incidence cannot be identified nationally because there has not been a national cancer registry. According to the latest WHO data published in April 2011, Breast Cancer in Indonesia reached or 1.41% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 20.25 per 100.000 of population ranks Indonesia #45 in the world. The data from thirteen pathology centers in Indonesia in 2012 shows that cervical cancer stands the first-ranked among all cancer (23.43% from 10 most common cancers among men and women; 31.0% from 10 most common cancers among women). It can be said breast and cervical cancer rates rising globally.

Based on this data, RR Padang is going to hold an Seminar “Early Detection Program of Breast and Cervical Cancer”.  The purposes of this event are:

  1. Giving detail information about breast and cervical cancer to public health
  2. Detecting the symptoms of breast and cervical cancer
  3. Asking out people to keep in good health.
  4. Caring about public health
  5. Working for the development of VDMS Regional Representative of West Sumatera by achieving above objects
  6. More alumni will participate in this program

The target of this event is 100 participants. The speaker will be a doctor and other officer of Department of Health, Padang. Alumni in Padang are from Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), Universitas Andalas (UNAND), and Universitas Bung Hatta (UBH) proudly present this event on Saturday, 1 June 2013 at 9 am to 4 pm. Special for this event, RR Padang will invite Department of Health Padang and the doctors, Person in Charge of three Univerisity partner, and public.

Do you want to join this big event in Padang? Please don’t hesitate to contact Afdal Ade Hendrayana, the Coordinator of this event. See you in Padang.


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