Reported by Tomy Jarvindo, grantee Tanjungpura University (Pontianak)
Grantees Tanjungpura University held the first meeting after the pandemic on August 12, 2022 at the Tanjungpura University Joint Lecture Building at 14.00 WIB. Attended by 20 grantees, this meeting is expected to get to know each other between grantees and form the management of the VDMI Family in Pontianak. If the management structure is formed, it will be easier for coordination to create activities that are in accordance with the mission and goals of VDMI.
On this occasion, new grantees were also present and were expected to be able to contribute to VDMI activities at Tanjungpura University. Discussion of the activities to be carried out was also a topic at this meeting. Management of the Tanjungpura University Grantee 2022/2023: Tomy Jarvindo (Chairman), Silvester Joan Pupo Morentea (Vice Chair), Surya Indah Sari (Secretary I), Ria Julita (Secretary II), Vera Saputri (Treasurer I), Yesika Simamora (Treasurer II) ), Luhut Pardamean Manik (Kominfo), Leni Anjani (Hubungan Antar Lembaga). It is hoped that grantees and alumni of Tanjungpura University and those in the Pontianak area can join in the next activity.