Reported by Retno Kanthiningsih, VDMS grantee from Airlangga University (UNAIR), Surabaya

Sharing knowledge and experience is one activity that can improve the sense of community as well as a means to spread mutual motivation. This sharing has been implemented on the reunion and sharing session in leadership conference for VDMS grantees regional Surabaya on Thursday, December 26. 2016. This activity was held in the rectorate auditorium of Airlangga University. This activity is for all grantees of VDMS in Airlangga University. In this activity, we invited the PIC of VDMS Airlangga University, Mr Jayadi, Director of Student Affairs Mrs. Trijas Sarwendiyah, and of the VDMS alumni of Airlangga University. In addition, in this event, the students who are interested to participate. In short, this activity was attended by approximately 60 Airlangga University students.

This activity functions as a forum for exchanging experiences among alumni, grantees, and participants on what and how things are obtained when becoming into VDMS grantees. The tips and tricks to go through the scholarship selection VDMS were also discussed. In addition, sharing experience during Leadership Conference held in Jogjakarta on 5-11 December 2016 was also given. All of these activities started at 13:00 p.m. with the remarks from the Director of Student Affairs of Airlangga University represented by the Mrs. Trijas Sarwendyah. She has many expectations for all Airlangga University VDMS grantees to gain and give positive feedback as one of the gratitude to VDMS foundation, which has provided scholarship. Mrs. Trijas also expected all the grantees and alumni of the VDMS Airlangga University can maintain the good name almamater wherever they are, especially when following the activities undertaken by LC VDMS such as the one held in Jogja yesterday.

Mr. Jayadi as the VDMS PIC of Airlangga University had given the next remark that talking about technical registration VDMS scholarship for the next year. He also expressed his pride to the VDMS grantees and alumni. The activities continued with the impressions and messages from VDMS alumni present. In this occasion, we were also asked to attend and share tips following the selection of LC VDMS and experience as well as the sciences gained during LC activities. I myself was asked to explain how the selection follows the Leadership Conference what needs to be prepared and activities for LC in Jogjakarta including social activities carried out in the Pentingsari village, content in the leadership materials by Mrs. Neila and Mrs. Jenny and the writing materials presented by Mr. Kartono.

All Participants

All Participants

These activities took place smoothly followed by the enthusiasm of the participants who attended the event. Hope the future through these activities can provide direction for prospective applicants scholarship VDMS from Airlangga University, provide motivation and encouragement to the grantees to participate actively in the activities organized by VDMS as LC so that it can provide positive feedback after their activities and a field of shared alumni to build a sense of family and togetherness.

A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 61| III | 2017

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