RR Medan
Reported by Desy Monica – VDMS Alumna from North Sumatera University (USU), Medan
This event was held on August 29, 2015 at SMK Raksana 2 Medan. The participants were 30 students from four departments namely, Accounting, Hospitality Accommodations, Office Administration, Software Engineering and Business Trips.
This activity became more attractive with the presence of Simon from France and Theresia from German, they were invited to join in the discussion so that the participants not only gain information about the media but also practiced their English with foreigners. The event began with the introduction of Alumni Association VDMS RR Medan. Alumni VDMS explained their purpose to provide something useful to the community in accordance with the alumni VDMS motto is Learn, Share and Encourage. Furthermore, Principal of SMK 2 Raksana Medan delivered a speech. He welcomed our arrival to their school, because in addition to providing information about social media, Alumni VDMS RR Medan also encourage students to learn English through the presence of Simon and Theresia.
Discussion lasted about 60 minutes. Starting with brief description accordance with the theme by Muhammad Zahrawi. Awi told how smartphones and social media greatly influence the students, made students lose track of time and be lazy to learn. Students often received information from the media without explored it first. Then, they dare to leave a comment by using language that is less good. Awi encouraged participants to become “smart” smartphone user and have a good attitude in using social media because in general this technology provides many benefits and convenience to the consumer.
Furthermore, we provided a challenge to the participants re-explain the subject of discussion to Simon and Theresia which must use English. We split two discussion groups, team A would explain to Simon assisted by Desy Monica alumna from USU and team B would explain to Theresia assisted by Putra grantees from USU. Participants initially shy and afraid to speak, but the alumni VDMS encourage them to be brave and help translate a few sentences that they want to express. Simon and Theresia also very helpful to encourage participants to speak up. The sessions were great fun, the enthusiastic of participants made Alumni VDMS RR Medan were present became more excited.
Alumni VDMS RR Medan closed the activity to thank the school and participants. Alumni VDMS RR Medan hope that the activity provide good benefits for the students at this school. Hopefully the students in Medan, especially participants of this activity to be smart in using smartphones and media communication. In addition, Alumni VDMS RR Medan hopes their English skill will be improve and be better.