Reported by Novi Maria Kalasa, grantee Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku (Ambon)
Saturday, November 23, 2024, RR Ambon held a Literacy activity at the Al-Khairaat Orphanage. This aims to provide an understanding of the importance of literacy from an early age and increase insight through reading. Eight grantees and alumni visited the children at the orphanage by bringing books. The activity began at 16.30 WIT by giving 20 minutes to read books. After that, the children, alumni and grantees of RR Ambon were given the opportunity to share about what they got from the books they read. Many new things were gained from this sharing, especially from the reader’s perspective on a book.

Alumni, Grantees and orphanage children read books, then share about the books they have read. Doc: RR Ambon
The children at the orphanage were very enthusiastic and dared to express their opinions about the books they read. After finishing, RR Ambon discussed with the foundation’s management and hoped that this activity would continue because it had a good impact on the children at the orphanage. They got to know each other better and were closer. In addition, the presence of RR Ambon provided joy and useful activities for them.

Alumni and Grantees of RR Ambon with children from the orphanage after literacy activities. Doc: RR Ambon