Reported by Suci Dina Azizah, grantee from Lambung Mangkurat University (Banjarmasin)
Saturday, March 26, 2022, Rizky Amelia (alumna of Lambung Mangkurat University) together with RR Banjarmasin held a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) training. This activity was carried out for the Alumni and Grantees of RR Banjarmasin. Through Zoom Meeting, the training was conducted for two hours with 6 participants.
TOEFL training is one of the programs by providing test material in the TOEFL Test. The material discussed is short conversation, long conversation and talk. Rizky also gave a strategy on how to answer questions about short conversations. In short conversations, participants listen (Listening Test) and answer questions. Simulation questions are also provided so that participants can try to solve them.
This training plan will continue periodically so that Alumni and Grantees of RR Banjarmasin have the ability to complete the TOEFL Test in lectures and job tests.