Reported by Annisa Ilma Naviardianti (Grantee from Padjadjaran University)
Friday, February 21st, 2020, VDMI grantees from Pdjadjaran University gathered to discuss things that they can contribute to societies as university students. After a long discussion, they decided to gather donation and they plan to directly distribute the donation to the Al-Falah orphanage on Sunday, March 29th. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situations, they cancel to visit the orphanage. Instead, they transfer the donation to the bank account of the management of Al-Falah orphanage. The total donation was Rp. 4,251,000.
Before collecting the donation, 4 VDMI grantees from Padjadjaran University had visited and observed the orphanage. Based on their observation, they are determined to choose the Al-Falah orphanage located at Talun Kidul RT 03 RW 03, Jelegong, Rancaekek, Bandung. In this orphanage, there are 3 caregivers and 36 residents, the age range from 8 months to 22 years old. Most of the source of funding for this orphanage is from the manager, Ibu Leni, and her husband. Although with limited financial support, all children can go to school to study. One of the residents that impressed VDMI grantees is an 8 months baby name Rizky. Rizly was left by his parents since he was 3 months old. His parents never come to visit him. Fortunately, he is a happy baby and Ibu Leni as well as other caregivers taking care of him wholeheartedly. While visiting the orphanage, VDMI grantees played together with the residents. Seeing the joy of children who live in bitterness makes VDMI grantees learn to not become a selfish person. Instead, they commit to keeping sharing though in limitations.