Reported by Serlinia Anawoli, VDMS Alumna from Artha Wacana Christian University (UKAW), Kupang
VDMS Smart program was created for implementing the knowledge and skills of VDMS Alumni and grantees. Alumni and grantees shared their abilities and skills as well as studied together with family from GMIT Oeba orphanage. Why is it called Smart? Based on VDMS family discussion, this program is a good sharing moment of our basic knowledge and also we can also practice to help each other especially for orphanage children; make us and make them SMART. This program will be a pilot project of RR Kupang to develop children community in Kupang. This program is implemented for three months with 2 meetings; on week 3 and 4 of the month. Therefore, GMIT Oeba held on November, March and April. It also begins with some discussion and sharing of materials before going to the orphanage and making an agreement with the head of orphanage.
The first meeting was hold on 19th November 2016 and attended by 40 participants; 3 alumni, 14 grantees and 23 children from GMIT Oeba Orphanage. The agenda were:
- Opened by chairperson of RR Kupang,
- Chemistry Demo by Desy Diaz and friends from UNWIRA,
- Grouped the children of orphanage based on their interest. For English, it was organized by Riyestin, Science by Mona, Computer by Kleofas and Music by Erens.
We had 1.5 hours sharing and studying together. They were really highly motivated and enjoyed this moment. Result for this meeting :
- For English, we studied English Songs, introduced themselves in English, and shared his/her story.
- For science, we studied Math through playing Senyum Perkalian and Math Ular Tangga.
- For computer, we identified the computer parts, open and shut down computer and type in Ms Word.
- For Music, we played guitar with the basic key of guitar.
They really had fun with all process of learning and sharing.
The second meeting was hold on 20th November 2016 attended by 34 participants (2 alumni, 13 grantees and 19 orphange children). We ha
ve done the same activities but more topics and materials such as for science.
In this meeting:
- We studied about Biology; demo of Blood circulation, Respiratory and Plant Photosintesis process.
- For English, we played games Simon Says, head and tale and describing someone.
- For Music, it was still playing guitar.
- For computer, it continued to how to write, save documents, and create powerpoint presentation for senior high school students.
The children really enjoyed the process of learning and playing. It will
continue on March and April 2017 because grantees will have final term test and a long holiday up February 2017.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 59| I| 2017