Reported by Syafitriani Silalahi, VDMS Grantee from North Sumatera University (USU), Medan
RR Medan hold a meet up on November 6, 2016. There were the Office manager, staff VDMS, Aqul, Lotter, alumni dan grantees in Medan. Things discussed in this meeting are the next leaders for each university. Indahwaty is the the group leader from UNIMED and Hary Christian is the group leader in USU. RR Medan contributes Rp. 10.000/month for each grantee and Rp. 5.000/month for alumni. It is hoped to be useful for RR Medan.
The next event is visitation of MAMIYAI orphanage located on Jl. Bromo No.25, Tegal Sari, Medan. The theme was Sharing Love with MAMIYAI Orphanage attended by 13 grantees from UNIMED and USU. It began from introduction between alumni and grantees VDMS and the children at the orphanage. Then, short welcoming.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 57| XI| 2016