Reported by by Lasmaria Theresia Sinurat, grantee Medan State University


Saturday, April 15 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Medan carried out a sharing at the Ade Irma Suryati Orphanage (Jl Teuku Cik Ditiro no. 110 Medan). This social activity is a routine activity of RR Medan in increasing the caring attitude of alumni and grantees to the community. The activity starts at 13.30 WIB. Hosted by Hary Pratama (grantee Medan State University). It was opened with a prayer and remarks from Bobby Setiawan (treasurer of RR Medan – alumnus of the University of Sumatera Utara).

“Berbagi” with Ade Irma Suryati Orphanage

The Games Session – Pen Relay with music accompaniment – went well. If the pen stops at the participant, a challenge will be given. Furthermore, the Sharing Session by the orphans about their stories during the fasting month. The activity was closed by Nopri Sinaga (chairman of RR Medan – alumna Medan State University) and continued to provide basic necessities to the orphanage. The Orphanage expressed their gratitude for RR Medan’s visit and hoped to continue to share with others. After leaving the Orphanage, RR Medan Alumni and grantees held an Iftar together (Bukber) and shared experiences at Coffee Hitam Putih (Jl. Ps Baru no. 54 Medan).


“Berbagi” with Ade Irma Suryati Orphanage

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