Reported by Dina Ramadhani (grantee University of North Sumatera) and Theresia Lubis (grantee Medan State University)
VDMI Regional Representative Medan held a gathering with the theme CARE (Creative, Active, Responsible, and Empathy). The activity was held on March 4,2023 for University of North Sumatra (USU) Alumni and Grantees at the Pendopo Faculty of Public Health Postgraduate USU with 12 participants and March 10, 2023 for Medan State University Alumni and Grantees (UNIMED) at the Gedung Serbaguna UNIMED with 26 participants. This activity aims to strengthen the relationship between alumni and grantees. In addition, there is also a Sharing Session from alumni.
Sharing Session by Seri Alina Purba (USU) and Yohana Marizsa Purba (UNIMED). Alumni share how to create original, interesting and effective ideas. In addition, it is hoped that RR Medan alumni and grantees can align themselves with environmental conditions (especially their immediate surroundings) when applying ideas. After that, participants were divided into several groups to discuss cases related to Creative, Active, Responsible and Empathy. RR Medan hopes that there will be small changes and provide benefits to the surroundings and build a better togetherness for RR Medan.