Reported by Lasmaria Theresia Sinurat, grantee Medan State University
On Saturday, March 23 2024, RR Medan carried out activities – learning together – at the Kasih Murni Teladan Orphanage in Medan. This activity started from 15.30 to 17.30 WIB, attended by 25 members of RR Medan and 30 orphanage children.
The activity was guided by Yesayas Rumapea (Medan State University grantee). Starting with ice breaking so that children focus and are enthusiastic about learning. Then the children were divided into several groups: Kindergarten – 2nd grade elementary school children learned to color, 3rd – 6th grade elementary and middle school children learned mathematics. RR Medan Alumni and Grantees are divided into groups and become companions in each group. The children felt enthusiastic and happy.
The activity closed with games in the form of questions on material that had been studied previously and giving rewards to those who could answer them. Afterwards, RR Medan distributed snacks, stationery and books to the children. The children felt helped by today’s learning and could increase RR Medan’s awareness of education.
After the activities at the Orphanage, RR Medan Iftar at Mie Gacoan which is located on Jl. Sisingamangaraja N0.61a Teladan, Medan. Alumni and Grantees play and share experiences so that there is closeness. Apart from that, RR Medan also evaluates the activities that have been carried out so far and plans other future activities.