Regional Representative (RR) Medan visited the Hasami Kasih Indonesia Orphanage on December 3, 2022. The activity began at 14.00 WIB and was attended by alumni and grantees from Medan State University and University of North Sumatera. Rico Ismail and Nando Hermawan became the coordinators of this activity which aims to provide a sense of concern for the community. We hope that this social care will benefit the orphans. In addition, it is hoped that the relationship between RR Medan will be even closer, active in developing potential and having a positive impact on the surroundings.

The activity agenda included: opening, sharing sessions, teaching and learning, and providing groceries and stationery to 18 children (ages 2.5 – 12 years) at the orphanage. In addition, there are five caretakers who live there. During the activity there was ice breaking to make the atmosphere more comfortable and increase the concentration of the children. During the study session, the children were divided into three groups. At the end of the event, a symbolic handover of basic food assistance to the caretaker of the orphanage represented by the secretary of VDMI RR Medan (Febriani Putri Keren Goni) and documentation.

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