Reported by Febriani Putri Keren Goni, grantee Medan State University

Saturday, September 17, 2022, VDMI Regional Representative (RR) Medan held a Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) activity with the theme “Seorang Pemimpin yang Baik Harus Terlebih Dahulu Mau Dipimpin“. The activity started at 13.00 WIB – 16.30 WIB at GOR Disporasu (Astaka Building) and was attended by 34 participants (VDMI Medan Alumni and Grantees).

Fun Games

The purpose of this activity is to increase the ability of grantees (especially new grantees) to become a leader with a willingness to be led first. Self-disclosure to want to be led by others in an organization is important to be a leader. This can also help grantees to have a clear direction and vision during their education. It started with the introduction of the kepengurusan, alumni and grantees as a form of getting to know each other, led by Dewi Suyeni.

Dewi Suyeni led introduction Session

It was opened by the Chairperson of RR Medan (Nopri Sinaga) with the hope that participants can actively participate in all series of activities and continued sharing by Syahputra Ganda Turnip (alumnus University of North Sumatra) who has worked in Australia. The discussion / sharing emphasized that the grantee must have a clear direction, be willing to be led and have an awareness of passion. Public speaking is also important so that you can express opinions, provide direction and be a good listener.

Sharing Session with Syahputra Ganda Turnip

After the discussion, it was continued with games aimed at increasing the solidarity of VDMI RR Medan, which was facilitated by Febriani Putri and Nando Hermawan. During the games, participants were very active in interacting, thinking positive and friendly. It is hoped that VDMI RR Medan can develop potential in every activity, be active and be able to have a positive impact.


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