Reported by Rico Ismail, grantee from University of North Sumatera (Medan)


Saturday – February 19, 2022, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held a Sosialisasi Beasiswa VDMI 2022 with the theme “Are You The Next VDMI Family 2022?” via Zoom Meeting. It was attended by 137 participants from various universities in Indonesia for almost 3 hours (14.00 WIB – 16.50 WIB).

Opened by Dewi Suyeni (grantee University of North Sumatra) as the Host and Prayer by Azqal Azqia (grantee Medan State University). Ibu Pariasih Manoto as Head Office of VDMI gave encouragement to the participants in her speech, followed by remarks by PIC of Medan State University (Ibu Sara Hikmayanti), Chair of RR Medan (Nopri Sinaga) and Chair of the Socialization Committee (Febriani Putri Keren Goni).

Remarks by Ibu Sara Hikmayanti as PIC of Medan State University

Sharing from Dios Larosa and Encouragement from Ibu Pariasih Manoto

The socialization was followed by a series of sessions with three speakers. [1] Dios Larosa – Communication and Alumni Relations Office explained about the history of VDMI, the Online Registration System process and the activities organized by VDMI. [2] Desy Monica Ginting – Alumna University of North Sumatra shares her experiences from being a grantee to alumni and participating in VDMI activities. Desy also asked the participants not to be afraid to try and fight for a scholarship. [3] Febian Haganta Gibran – Grantee Medan State University provides tips and tricks to get scholarships. At the end of the explanation of the material, followed by a question and answer session.

Sharing Session with Desy Monica Ginting

Tips and Tricks to get a scholarship by Febian Haganta Gibran

The event closed with games and prizes for the winners from RR Medan. The enthusiasm of the participants was extraordinary during the activity. Hopefully more people will know and be motivated to apply for VDMI scholarships because of the lack of access to information while the university is closed and studying online.

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