Reported by Fitri Sundari, grantee from North Sumatera State University (Medan)

On 15th September 2018, VDMI grantees of RR Medan participated in mutual cooperation activities as volunteers in order to commemorate the world clean up day which being held by Indorelawan. The world clean up day event was held simultaneously in 150 countries. For Indonesia, this event was held in all provinces. In the city of Medan, there are three different location points and at that time, we carried out world clean up day activities on Lapangan Merdeka.

This event involved organizations from various backgrounds. Teenagers, mothers and students have met and involved together in this event. At that time, we met with various communities who care about the environment such as the seasoldier community. Seasoldier is one of the environment-caring communities with the aim of changing the mindset of the community so as not to litter. This community was initiated by Nadine Chandrawinata with a focus on protecting the environment especially at sea and coastal areas. This event was also enlivened by the community of mothers and students from SMAN 1 Medan and many more.

When the event has begun, the volunteers who participated were divided into 5 groups to clean various corners of the city. Garbage was divided into several parts, namely plastic waste, paper waste, residual waste and organic waste. From this activity, the most common types of waste were plastic waste such as plastic bottles, then paper waste such as rice wrapping paper, then residual waste such as cigarette butts and organic waste such as used rice. After all the rubbish was collected, from various communities held a joint photo session and continued with the parade.

RR Medan in World Clean Up Day 2018


Vol 80 | IX | 2018


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