Reported by Bintang Adi Kuncoro (Alumnus from Satya Wacana Christian University)
A Javanese proverb said, “mangasah mingis ing budi, Memasuh malaning bumi, hamemayu hayuning bawana”. The proverb means that people should train the good character, clean the earth, and conserve the environment. Based on those spirit, on Saturday, February 15th, 2020, VDMI grantees cleaned the City Parks in Salatiga. The park has a vital role as the heart of the city. Also, it helps to reduces pollution from transportation emission. Besides, the park is a recreation spot for the citizens. After cleaning the park, VDMI grantees continue to discuss the next activities of RR salatiga. This gathering is the initial activity of RR salatiga. The members commit to be more active and contribut to the society.