Reported by Annisa Taqwa Zazi Muslim, VDMS alumna from Hang Tuah University (UHT), Surabaya
Thursday, 17th of August 2017 is an Independence Day celebration for Republic of Indonesia, Alumna and Grantees of VDMS-RR Surabaya and they HIV positive diagnosis had hold some have fun activities. There was collaboration in Yayasan Plato as a carrying organization for HIV positive diagnosis. They who been part of event are Annisa Taqwa Zazi Muslim alumna of UHT dan Romayta grantee of UHT.
In there was run having fun competitions like makan kerupuk, lomba kelereng, lomba mewarnai, kolase, dan joget balon. All of participant look enthusiasm to be a part of this event. We regret while they cannot join because they were being on sick.
By this event, everyone had joined got sportsmanship, cooperation, concentration, togetherness, and cohesive coach. The last rundown RR Surabaya hand over a gift for who they held a winner. Keep Learn, Share, Encourage.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 68| X | 2017