Written by Abd Munir Hatab, VDMS alumnus from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Makasar
Procurement of rice is one of the government’s policies to ensure the availability of food supply, especially rice. This is one of the government’s measures to stabilize prices, ensure food security in the long term. As the water area, in the village of Muara Telang become one of the centers of major paddy procurement. But in its development of rice production sometimes be constrained due to water discharge requirements have not been fulfilled or even to excess. As we know, water is one of the most important factors for living beings, unimaginable how life would be without the presence of water.
Water is a very important factor in the cultivation of agricultural activities both in the development of food crops, horticulture, livestock and plantations. Without the support of the availability of water in accordance with the needs dimensions of quantity, quality, space and time, it should no farming activities run well.
The existence of Forest is one of supporting to keep water present, it also due Muara Telang. But deforestation should do effects for water consistence to be able normal quantity and destruction of the ground water system. While rainy, the water can be absorbed by optimal caused deforestation the system had broken and no trees enough to hold much more water, so flood should come by fast. But in another side, if summer come, the river shall to become very dry quickly because there is no longer a spring that flows into the river. The range of benefits provided by the Indonesian forests far exceeds the value obtained from forest products. Stabilities of waters are so significant for rice stocking by Muara Telang production. Rice be basic need of food of Indonesian people, so the availabilities of rice very important to keep. Then it responsibilities to save ecosystem of nature is for everyone available.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 61| III | 2017