Written by Yanete Wori Hana, VDMS grantee from Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA), Kupang Saya Yanete Wori Hana atau lebih akrab dipanggil dengan sebutan Yanet adalah salah satu Mahasiswa Program Studi Kehutanan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Nusa Cendana. Menjadi seorang mahasiswa prodi…
Leadership Conference Sharing Session in Airlangga University
Reported by Retno Kanthiningsih, VDMS grantee from Airlangga University (UNAIR), Surabaya Sharing knowledge and experience is one activity that can improve the sense of community as well as a means to spread mutual motivation. This sharing has been implemented on…
Save the Nature for Better Life
Written by Abd Munir Hatab, VDMS alumnus from Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Makasar Procurement of rice is one of the government’s policies to ensure the availability of food supply, especially rice. This is one of the government’s measures to stabilize prices,…