Reported by Nelson Haria, grantee University of Sumatera Utara 26 August 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held a Family Gathering with the theme “The Power of Togetherness” at Taman Cinta, University of Sumatera Utara and was attended by 35…
VDMI UNKRISWINA: Kunjungan ke Taman Baca Gracia Waingapu
Reported by Rafael Ranjawali, grantee Wira Wacana Christian University (Sumba) Thursday, April 6 2023, Grantees and PIC of Wira Wacana Christian University Sumba visited Taman Baca Gracia, Waingapu. The activity was opened with a prayer and remarks from the grantee…
RR Medan: Gathering
Reported by Dina Ramadhani (grantee University of North Sumatera) and Theresia Lubis (grantee Medan State University) VDMI Regional Representative Medan held a gathering with the theme CARE (Creative, Active, Responsible, and Empathy). The activity was held on March 4,2023 for University…