Reported by Yonathan Talundima, S.E (PIC Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana) Monday, 19 February 2024, PIC Wira Wacana Christian University (UNWINA) together with VDMI grantees and alumni opened a “Posko Pendaftaran” for UNWINA students who wanted to apply for a…
RR Medan: Sosialisasi Beasiswa Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia
Reported by Desman Hura (grantee University of Sumatera Utara) Coinciding with the opening of the VDMI Online Registration System (10 February 2024), Regional Representative (RR) Medan held a VDMI Scholarship Socialization via Zoom Meeting. 405 participants took part in the…
RR Medan: VDMI Scholarship Socialization
Reported by Dina Ramadhani, grantee University of Sumatera Utara As a way to provide information to students about the Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia scholarship, Regional Representative (RR) Medan took the initiative to hold a 2024 VDMI Scholarship Socialization. The activity will…