Reported by Annisa Ilma Naviardianti (Grantee from Padjadjaran University) Friday, February 21st, 2020, VDMI grantees from Pdjadjaran University gathered to discuss things that they can contribute to societies as university students. After a long discussion, they decided to gather donation…
RR Jabodetabek: Al-Fathonah Midwifery Academy Helped the Flood Victim in Jakarta
Reported by Made Gita Hermawati (Grantee from Al-Fathonah Midwifery Academy) Indonesia is a tropical country located in the equator. There are only two seasons in this country, which are drought and rainy. Drought occurs from April to September while…
Evaluation Regional Representative AA of VDMS
RR Jabodetabek-West Java In 2016, we haven’t done any particular projects. We just held “Halal Bihalal” (Social Group Gathering). Unfortunately, the participant attended the gathering were only Milla, Ikhsan, Ian, and Nisa. I don’t have ideas about others. They…