Reported by Agusta Rambu Jajila (Alumna from Artha Wacana Christian University) VDMI Alumni Association Regional Representative Kupang held a sharing session on February 2nd, 2020. The event attended by alumni and grantees who live in Kupang. Started from 1…
RR Padang: VDMI Scholarship Socialization at Padang State University
Reported by Putri Yuliana Mahardika (Grantee from Padang State University) Following the open application of the VDMI scholarship on February 10th, 2020, VDMI grantees from Padang State University (UNP) together with the university officers conducted the socialization event with…
RR Jabodetabek: Al-Fathonah Midwifery Academy Helped the Flood Victim in Jakarta
Reported by Made Gita Hermawati (Grantee from Al-Fathonah Midwifery Academy) Indonesia is a tropical country located in the equator. There are only two seasons in this country, which are drought and rainy. Drought occurs from April to September while…