“Tanpa berkata kami sepakat untuk tidak menghakimi, tidak berprasangka.

Kami belajar menjadi pemimpin yang baik. By Naufal Syauqi

Van Deventer-Maas Stichting (VDMS) hold 16th LC 2016 in Wisma Sanata Dharma University, Pentingsari, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Kab. Sleman Yogyakarta on 6th – 10th December 2016. Attended by 20 participants who came from the different culture and university in Indonesia. The main aim VDMS provides this LC is to give understanding and create motivation on how to be active citizens in society with theme “Building Active Citizens for Sustainable Social Development”.

Group Indonesia  Bahagia –Topic local exposure is joint horticulture farmer

Group Indonesia Bahagia –Topic local exposure is joint horticulture farmer

The first speaker is Mrs. Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M.Si M.Ed from UGM. She delivered the material about “Profile and characteristic of the leader, individual profile and communication skill”. The second speaker is Mrs. Dr. Jenny Ratna from UNPAD, delivered about “Basic Leadership (To lead and to Serve), and what we shall do as a citizens in a social community. VDMS also provide “Writing Skill” topic, delivered by Pak Kartono, for participants to make report about what they face and do for local exposure. Pak Ben White as VDMS Board Member also took apart in this LC and delivered about “Siapa yang mau jadi Petani?” He presented the reality that not more young people want to be a farmer with various reasons, ended his session with a reflection question “who will grow our food?”.

Individual Assignment – Participant was writing the characteristics of leader then compare the answer with the others

Individual Assignment – Participant was writing the characteristics of leader then compare the answer with the others

Activities in the outside room, VDMS provide Local Exposure. During this session participants have an assignment to write a report with the topic of how the society able to develop (agriculture, home industry, animal husbandry, and culture). And Outbound with the aim the participants realize that life must move on and change to reach the dream. They become more sensitive to think first in analyzing problems in society before action.

All Participants

All Participants

Hopefully, the LC can bring new generation of leader in the part of VDMS and especially for our society.

A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 58| XII| 2016

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