Reported by Serlinia Anawoli – VDMS Alumna from Artha Wacana Christian University (UKAW), Kupang

Based on the result of RR meeting on 8th August at Teddys Beach, RR Kupang had agreed one activity was VDMS community service at Darmaloka National heroes cemetery Kupang which some activities such as cleaning the cemetery, flowering the cemetery and pray together.

VDMS community service held on 15th August 2015 at Dharma Loka National Heroes Cemetery-Kupang. The aims of this event are (1). To celebrate the 70 years of Indonesia freedom. (2). to respect all National Heroes that already pass away as the Indonesian freedom fighter.  And (3). To tighten the relationship between alumni, old grantees and new grantees.

This event attended by 19 participants that consist of 6 alumni and 13 grantees. The activity started with welcoming words and introduction about VDMS Alumni Kupang to the new grantees and then all the participant were cleaned the entire environment and also the national heroes cemetery. While working there were some small discussion and how to know each other between alumni, grantees and fresh grantees. After the entire environments were cleaned, we were arm in arm together in the front of cemetery.

After the VDMS community service, we conducted small gathering of VDMS family there. The agendas are sharing experience from some alumni how to use the money from VDMS scholarship, discussing the next event on September, reporting the condition of VDMS family monthly donation. RR Kupang ss

For the next event on September we agreed together one activity is VDMS family having fun at Kupang Nursing Home (Panti Jompo Kupang). We are planning to have a fun together with grandparents there. We formed a committee with three team with their position and responsibilities together: Yellow team is helping the coordinator to organize the event, red team is organizing the meals and blue team is organizing the content of activity such games and competitions. The composition of the committee is as follows:

Yellow team: Gregorius A Mauledo, Elisabeth Boimau, Serlinia

Red team: Grandianus, Lidya, Anista, Serlin, Echy, Len Hana, Riany, Yuni

Blue Team: Elisabeth Werang, Indry Tanan, Alen, Anggy.

And the last agendas about the VDMS Family income from monthly donation report from chairperson because the treasurer didn’t come.

Saldo per June                                                : Rp. 266.000,-

Income from UKAW per July                    : Rp. 500.000,-

Income from UNWIRA per July               : Rp. 70.000

Total                                                                  : Rp. 836.000,-

Total expenses for VDMS Community service at Dharmaloka is Rp.100.000 for buying drinks, snacks, plastics bag for rubbish. So the total money per August is 736.000,-

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