Reported by Ira Riawan, grantee from Tanjungpura University (Pontianak)


Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019, VDMI of Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) held a motivation training activity with Indra Dwi Prasetyo, a VDMI Alumnus, at the Intim Cafe in Pontianak from 15.00 to 17.30 WIB. There were twenty-five participants in the event. Indra is a graduate of English Language Education in Tanjungpura University and the LPDP Masters scholarship Awardee at Monash University. Indra explained the philosophy of learning and knowledge. He suggested that students should define their purpose of learning. He motivated the participants to pursue their dreams no matter how hard it takes.


This activity aimed to motivate VDMI grantees to be extraordinary students who utilize their time for positive activities and maximize their benefit for others. Besides, this gathering served as a forum for grantees to discuss their rights and obligations as the VDMI grantees.


Grantees and alumni UNTAN expect that this type of activity can be done regularly so that there will be more students can receive the benefit of the event.

Indra explained the philosophy of learning and knowledge

Enthusiasm from Grantees Tanjungpura in Motivation Session

All of Participants in Motivation Training


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