By Mery Nova Sari (grantee from Hang Tuah University)
During the lockdown situation, VDMI held a social project by helping people and children with HIV-AIDS in Surabaya. The project was initiated based on the increase of HIV-AIDS cases in East Java. Based on the data from Komisi Perlindungan Anak (KPA) Jawa Timur, up to 2018, there were 966 cases in East Java (KPA Provinsi Jawa Timur, Juni 2018). From those cases, 152 occurred in Surabaya (KPA Kota Surabaya, September 2018). Besides having health, psychology, economic, and social problems, many people and children with HIV-AIDS are experiencing stigmatization, discrimination, and live under the poverty line (Plato Foundation, 2020). Challenges faced by families with HIV-AIDS had been witnessed by VDMI Regional Representative East Java (RR Jatim) during their previous social activity in 2019. In the activity, RR Jatim gave donations directly to families with HIV-AIDS at their houses.
On May 8th, 2020, RR Jatim received Rp 6.853.025 donation from the VDMI family. The donation was used for buying 50 packages of daily meals such as rice, flour, sugar, cooking oil, tea, salt, etc. On May 15th to 17th, 2020, RR Jatim distributed the donation to families with HIV-AIDS in Surabaya by visiting the families’ houses one by one. RR Jatim expressed their gratitude to all VDMI family who donated for families with HIV-AIDS in Surabaya. Also, RR Jatim thank the VDMI Office Yogyakarta that coordinated the collection of the donation. Hopefully, the donation will ease the recipients and the donor can receive more God’s bounties. Learn-Share-Encourage.