Van Deventer Maas Indonesia has an Excellent Writing Club platform as a forum for Alumni and Grantees to develop writing skills. A total of 119 articles from 36 authors were submitted throughout 2021. Several articles have been published in the A2A Newsletter and VDMI Family Magazine.
December 21, 2021, VDMI gives appreciation to the 5 most active writers in contributing through writing. They are [1] Yusuf Ramadhan (Semarang State University) [2] Bintang Adi Kuncoro (Satya Wacana Christian University), [3] Meiliana Gusti ( Padang State University) [4] Andi Annisa Tenri Ramadhani (Hasanuddin University) and [5] Riuna Sely (Gadjah Mada University). Hope this will be an encouragement for Excellent Writing Club members to consistently contribute through writing.
For VDMI Family who want to join Excellent Writing Club, please contact